The wood duck is regarded as the most unique and beautiful of North American ducks.
The Wood Duck

The wood duck is regarded as the most unique and beautiful of North American ducks.
Pike Foresters met with Kevin Hart, President of the Indiana Maple Syrup Association (IMSA) and owner of Maplewood Farms in Union County, Indiana to learn more about maple syrup.
Pike Lumber Company recently announced it is starting construction of a 22,000 square-foot office located at their northern Indiana corporate headquarters in Akron, Indiana.
Prior to settlement, bobcats (wildcats) were plentiful throughout our great state.
The wild turkey has become increasingly more common throughout its range in recent years. The rebounding population is largely due to habitat conservation.
Yellow Poplar is one of the tallest, most scenic trees growing in the hardwood forests of the Midwestern United States. There is a good possibility you have some of these trees growing in your woods.
Woods provide shelter to deer and other forestland animals. Late winter is a scarce time for shelter and food.
Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) is a poisonous plant native to North America. It can be found as either a bush or a climbing vine.
During spring, the silent flowering Basswood tree commonly goes unnoticed to us, but not to the bees.
The Great Horned Owl is the largest owl found in Indiana; growing 1 1/2 to 2 feet tall with a wingspan from 3 to 5 feet across.