Quality, Service, & Forest Stewardship for Over 100 years!
Pike News
Woods on Wheels: 2nd Graders Take a Special Tour at Pike

After having to cancel last year, Pike Lumber Company was pleased to host its 28th Annual Akron 2nd Grade Field Day on April 13 to 67 eager students.
As in the past, the morning started with the kids walking to the plant from the school where they were able to see the sawmill in action and have various learning stops which included tree planting basics and tree knowledge.
They were the first students to tour IHLA’s “Woods on Wheels”, an educational traveling trailer which Pike helped sponsor.
From the plant, the kids then headed to Silver Creek Forest for a forester-guided 1½ hour hike staged with cue cards and forestry facts.
The kids were given a white oak seedling to take home and plant.
It was a great day with near perfect weather for the kids who were ready to be outdoors!
• Indiana Woods on Wheels is a traveling interactive exhibit
• Provides information about the Hoosier state’s forests
• Visitors learn about the benefits of forest management, Indiana’s native wildlife, history of Indiana’s forests and the industries that rely on hardwoods
• Target audience: 4th-6th grade students but Includes information for high school students, landowners and policymakers
• Will be made available at no expense to elementary school programs as well as for public events
• Additional information can be obtained by contacting Sara High at 260-573-3328 or email shigh@dnr.IN.gov