Quality, Service, & Forest Stewardship for Over 100 years!
Pike News
Future Forests

Lumber is not the only thing our trees have to offer. Trees provide food for wildlife and people, habitat, shade, natural beauty, and more! Planting new seedlings can be a great way to accomplish your forest stewardship objectives and receive these benefits for years to come. Whatever it is you are looking for from trees, Pike’s foresters can help you manage them in the best way possible. Follow these tips to ensure your young seedlings have the best chance of growing into healthy, mature trees.
• Keep the roots of seedlings moist prior to planting and avoid damage to the roots.
• Inspect for any broken or damaged roots and remove with a sharp pruning knife or shears.
• Plant seedlings in the dormant season (fall or spring) when the leaves are not present.
• Planting young seedlings in soft, tilled soil, like in a garden, can encourage healthy root growth.
• Position the tree so that the roots start 1-2” beneath the top of the soil after planting.
• Fill soil around the roots of the tree, then take a firm step (not stomp) around the base of the tree to pack it in place.
• Young trees can be particularly vulnerable to damage from deer. Use a tree tube or chicken wire to keep deer away from the tree for 2-4 years while it is still being established.